Bees are considered the world’s most important creatures to exist and could be the reason we are all alive.

On this day, May 20th, 1734 Anton JanÅ¡a, the pioneer of bee keeping was born. To raise awareness of the importance of pollinators, the threats they face, their contribution to sustainable development and to acknowledge the role of bees and other pollinators for the ecosystem, the UN designated 20 May as World Bee Day with the 2020 theme being “Save the Bees”.

Bees are considered the world’s most important creatures to exist and could be the reason we are all alive.
Bees collecting nectar | Image (c) Luiza Vickers

Ever heard of “Busy as a bee”? Most likely you have. This is because besides ants, bees are the most hardworking creatures we know.

Below are some reasons why we love bees:


According to research, bees are responsible for pollinating over 80% of world’s flowering plant species across the world.

Those beautiful flower gardens at home and the wild ones in the forests exist because of bees. We enjoy the beauty of nature, as in plantation, because bees make that happen.

We all love flowers, right? Then right there is a reason to love bees.

Feeding the World

The pollinated plants as mentioned above definitely include hundreds of agricultural crops species.

As bees move from flower to flower in search of nectar, bees transfer pollen from the male part of the flower (the anther) leaving leave behind grains of pollen on the female part (the stigma). As a matter of fact, bees play a key role in every food we eat.

With honey bees, managed native bees, or by managing land to increase populations of native bees, agricultural producers can be sure of increased seed or fruit production.

Maintaining Bio-diversity in our Natural Habitats

Where would all creatures that live in the forests and savannahs be if they never existed and the land was bare? How about the birds and other animals that feed on insects that live just outside your garden? Those habitats exist because when “bee powered” pollination happens, a seed was formed.

The seed becomes food for certain creatures and when it is not eaten, it matures and falls and grows to another plant. That is food and home from one small insect, the bee.

There are different species of plants and animals on earth. Millions of them, totally different in their nature and their co-existence is made possible by our beloved insects the bees.

Food for thought….

Have you watched the 2007 animation movie “Bee Movie”? Barry B Benson, a bee who has just completed his graduation, decides to sue humans after he learns about the exploitation of bees at the hands of mankind.

I sometimes wish bees would do exactly that! They don't deserve us!

Bees are considered the world’s most important creatures to exist and could be the reason we are all alive.
Lawyer Barry B. Benson, a character in Bee Movie (2007)

"According to all known laws of aviation, there is no way a bee should be able to fly.
Its wings are too small to get its fat little body off the ground.
The bee, of course, flies anyway because bees don't care what humans think is impossible.
- A line from the Bee Movie, 2007

 #WorldBeeDay #SaveTheBees

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